Back to Business

I’ve just come back from vacation, which was really fun, but it’s time to get back to business. My teacher wants me and my partner for the web design competition to get thinking about what we want to do, how to lay it out, etc. I think this competition is really cool because it already gives you the basic topic for what you’re going to be working on. I’m also pretty excited to start planning out what I want to do. I’ll most likely be building a lot of the site, which I sort of want to do, since I do need a refresher before I start on my portfolio site. I’m gonna have to start getting back into coding probably, and it’s been a pretty long time since I’ve coded, so I definitely need to get better at it, you know, build my strengths and stuff.

Wire Frame Finalizing

The end of October is coming, and that means my wire frame is due. I’m basically done already, so that’s good. Crusader Cafe has been going pretty well. I’m super excited for the break coming up, a whole week of next week for me, since I’m going on vacation. However, before I go on vacation, I have a couple little things to work on. Just like one more picture for Crusader Cafe, and then I’ll just see if I have any other kinks in my wire frame that I wanna work out. I’m pretty sure I’m done, but there may be one or two things I end up changing, but I have the basic idea down of what I want to do.

Not sure when we’re going to start the new web competition, but I’m pretty excited to refresh my mind on how to build a site from scratch. It’s been so long, so I’m a little nervous that I won’t know what to do, but I know it’ll be really good to re-learn building a website, especially for practice before I build my portfolio.

Last Friday, all the web classes went on a field trip to RCGC, and it was so fun! They showed us the web classrooms, and they told us a little bit about campus life, in case we were interested. It was really informational and a really cool trip to go on, and the school seems so nice.


Trying to figure out how I want to lay out my website has been way harder than I thought it would be. I have a lot of different ideas, so I’m just working on figuring out what I actually want to do. Then I’m going to start actually building the site, which should be interesting, because let’s just say it’s been a while since I’ve built a website. Even though building the site will most likely be a challenge, I’m actually really excited to start it, mostly because I cannot wait to see how it turns out! I pretty much already know I want like a soft grunge sort of color or design style.

Another thing that’s been really hard is finding a domain name for my site, because all the names that I chose for my site were already taken. It was pretty frustrating, but I know that I’ll find one eventually.

New Competition

This morning when I walked in, my web teacher showed me this web design competition, and I think entering it is a great idea. All the proceeds go to animal rescue, which is amazing. And we get to build a website for a company that rescues dogs and cats and fosters them until they can get loving homes. One of the best parts about this competition is that we don’t have to go anywhere. We work on the website right from here in the school.

From today on I’m thinking about my personal portfolio. I already have some websites up for inspiration, and hopefully in this whole week I can form up what I wanna do and do some sketches for it. So for now I get to have a little fun by looking at other people’s portfolios, and from that forming an idea on what I want to do for mine.

Plans for the School Year

The beginning of the year is starting out pretty good. I started working on Crusader Cafe, taking pictures and editing them for the site. I’ve never done anything like that before, and it was really fun. I got to take pictures of each new product and then edit it, and I put it on the site. I’ll probably be doing stuff like that throughout the year as new products come in, which is pretty cool. And I know that this year, I’m gonna start a portfolio for myself, and I think that even though I’m not really quite sure what I wanna do yet, I think that having my web design and development-based portfolio can help me in whatever I decide to do.